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Chris White

Chris White


Chris White

    Chris White joined Brightwood Animal Hospital as a groomer in 2014 and has been in the grooming field for 25 years. Her goal is to create positive comfortable experiences for every pet in her care. She believes having a laid back, stress-free style creates a more comfortable experience for your pets. Chris also prioritizes educating pet owners on how to keep their pets well-groomed between services. Chris began her career as a pet bather in Atlanta and worked her way up to full time groomer. Over the years, she has learned to become aware of the individual needs of each pet as well as their unique responses to equipment, bathing, brushing, clipping and styling stressors and is able to adjust her approach to meet the needs of each pet. In keeping with her low stress philosophy, Chris knows pets find security in their feet being in a natural position under their body and is conscious of this when trimming nails or grooming feet or legs. She also uses minimal restraint and avoids grooming industry restraint systems designed to limit mobility. Additionally, Chris works closely with our team of veterinarians for their recommendations for prescription grooming products if your pet has been diagnosed with a dermatological condition. 

    Here at Brightwood, to create a comfortable, relaxed environment, pets are encouraged to safely explore the grooming area and accompanying smells while listening to soft music. Grooming appointment times are staggered to give pets individualized time as well as a quieter environment and bedding and blankets are provided on the floors and in the kennels. Pets are supervised and housemates are together. 

     Appointments are available Tuesday through Saturday. Chris looks forward to meeting you and your pet!